Course Management System has been developed for Colleges and Schools for alternative online education for their students.

Released on: 30th May 2020


1 Subject wise page for viewing for students

2. Software will be password protected. For student viewing, common user name and password will be provided.

3. Teachers can upload MSWORD/PDF/PPT in their Log-in space.

4. Self-Recorded video or You tube video link can also be uploaded

5.  Teacher registration and login space

6.  updation / deletion of course material will be provided

7. Matter will be uploaded by Teacher/Professor

8. Main Admin can register Teachers and generate Log in and Password for teachers

9. Main Admin can upload other important file for office use only. It wont be shred among student and teachers.

10. Create notice and upload Routine features visible to all teachers and student admin section

Picture Demo:

CMS Pic 1