The primary goal of this one week course on Digital Electronics and Logic Design is introduce digital electronics to ITI/Diploma and Engineering students in a very simple way

After this course, student may be able to design complex digital system and logic circuits.

Main Features

  • Interactive session with students
  • Practices  on Digital circuit  design
  • Industry specific

What is the target audience?

  • ITI/Diploma and Engineering students
  • B.SC/M.SC (Physics/Electronics)students
  • BCA/MCA Student

Course Content

Design Concept: 4 hrs

Number system, Logic gates, Digital Circuit design process, Karnough Map, circuit minimization, combinational circuits, multiplexer, De-multiplexer, Decoder, Encoder, Half adder, full adder, Sequential circuit design: RS flip flop, Dflip flop, JK Flipflop, Latch, Counter design, controller design, ALU Design, Processor Design.

Digital IC Characteristics:2hrs.

Logic states, Voltage and Current parameters, Fan-in and Fan-out, Current source and sink, Noise and noise margin, Power dissipation, Speed of operation, Operating temperature, Physical packages of logic circuit

Practical on Hardware Kit Development: 18 hrs

  1. Logic gates
  2. Combinational circuit design(Multiplexer, DeMultiplexer,Decoder, Encoder, Half Adder, full Adder)
  3. Sequential Logic Design(Flipflop, JK Flipflop, Counter Design, ALU Design, Processor Design
Digital Logic Design