This is Internet of Things (IOT) based water motor control and management system which which can drive  water motor for particular time for time bound operations. It has two sensors inside the water tank on the TOP and at the Bottom and the GSM Module in the controller system.  The controller will automatically drive the motor on the ON TIME  given by the user as well as make it OFF when it reaches OFF TIME .  During the stipulated controller ON TIME Period, both sensors become active which will  make the motor Automatically OFF when water is FULL  and Automatically ON when water is EMPTY in the water tank. If power gets OFF and comes again within the controller ON TIME period, then the system will automatically START.  Since our controller also has a GSM module inside . Hence, In any case, If  power didn’t come in the stipulated time period, user/Ward members can also drive the motor by using android Mobile App.

This Internet of Things (IOT) technology based   webserver is used to get the results of all water motor station and show the following information

a. Power ON/OFF



d. Running/system off status

e. Set Alarm/notification to all individual water station care taker and the  company who installed the system at local level.

f. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Advice to correct the system.